Kingfisher Independent
Funeral Services
Registered as company number 07217626 in England and Wales
Gate Lodge
Cemetery Road
St Neots
PE19 2BX
How can we help?
Kingfisher Independent Funeral Services Ltd is an appointed representative of The Avalon Trustee Company Limited (T/A Avalon Funeral Plans) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Avalon Funeral Plans’ FCA registration number is 965284 and Kingfisher Independent Funeral Services’ is 1007693. Further details can be found on Avalon's website.
The delivery of funerals by Kingfisher Independent Funeral Services is not regulated by the FCA.
/0 Comments/in Announcements /by rasladeVictor Goldsmith passed away peacefully on 4th March 2020, aged 90 years. Victor will be sadly missed by all his family. A private cremation has taken place. Donations in Victor’s memory can be made payable to Blind Veterans UK and sent c/o Kingfisher Independent Funeral Services, Gate Lodge, Cemetery Road, St Neots PE19 2BX. Tel (01480) 471001.
/0 Comments/in Announcements /by rasladeSydney William Bartlett of Little Paxton passed away peacefully on 1st March 2020, aged 94 years. Husband to the late Mary, father to Vic, Denise, Graham and Gill. Father-in-law to Chris, Tony, Natalie and Scott. A much loved grandfather, great grandfather and great great grandfather. Sydney’s funeral service has taken place. Donations, if desired, can be made payable to Age UK and sent c/o Kingfisher Independent Funeral Services, Gate Lodge, Cemetery Road, St Neots PE19 2BX. Tel (01480) 471001.