Estimate generator
The ability to generate an estimate of the cost of a funeral whilst researching on the internet has been much appreciated by past clients. It gives you a chance to decide what you would like included in the funeral arrangements and what you can afford before you make any decisions.
Part 1: Our services, coffin, vehicles and staff
Part 2: Cremation or burial
Part 3: Sundry costs
*Please note: If any of the options you have selected specify Price On Application (£POA) the Estimate Total does not include these services. Please contact us for a more accurate quote.
Terms and conditions
All third-party fees must be paid prior to the funeral taking place. Accounts are generally submitted to clients 7 days after the funeral, and are payable within 14 days. If an account is settled in full by BACS by three days before the funeral, a discount of £100.00 may be taken on the total amount. If paid by cheque or debit card by three days before the funeral, a discount of £50 may be taken. See our full terms and conditions.